about ME..!

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Prince OF wales, Malaysia
I'm mizz sue,a simple gurl...for me..be ourself,happy with ourlife with do what we want to do..don't thinking what people want to say..that important i'm happy with my life..:-)

Monday, May 30, 2011

argggghhh...aku tak tau..

Morning..ermm..ari ni isnin 30 may 2011..bersamaan 26 Jamaldikakhir ..bunyi cm series jer kan..pe jadi ntah ngan aku sekarang ni..tp sebenarnya apa yang aku nak story ni..aku pon tak tau..fikiran aku tak de kat tempat keje..waaaaaa...waaaa

what must i do?..plez help..help me..i always thinking about my life..i want to change..but dont know how..what i must started..i has many planning to change..so..i should to started that i think it's important..but i must arrange and do one by one??..i can try..i can do it..hehe..cayok..cayok..miz timiD u can do it..

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