about ME..!

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Prince OF wales, Malaysia
I'm mizz sue,a simple gurl...for me..be ourself,happy with ourlife with do what we want to do..don't thinking what people want to say..that important i'm happy with my life..:-)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Nak Kata Juga..

selamat malam..hehe, bosan betul ..akuu tak tau nak buat apa sebenarnya..tp terpikir nak juga sibuk2 kat entry ni..hehe..walaupon agak kepenatan tapi nak juga kata-kata..

nak continue story sal memory waktu study dulu..hehe, macam ragam dan kerenah me and my classmate, banyak kenangan yang tak dapat nak dilupakan..bila di ingatkan kembali..tersenyum sorang..tapi bukan gila tau..cuma rasa lucu..wahahaha..

firstly i want to introduce my classmate..than after that continue my story..

dari kiri : eira, hakim, faizal, my lecturer, farid, shue , siti and nurul
bawah kiri : me (sue), ieda, izma , ila and faz


ini la wajah-wajah cute ( cute ker..hehe ) my classmate

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